
Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse (NECASA) is the twenty-one town regional substance abuse action council in Northeastern Connecticut.

NECASA primarily works with systems in the region such as schools, colleges, municipalities, hospitals, police and substance abuse and mental health providers to facilitate and coordinate the response to the substance abuse issues facing the area.

NECASA's Community Programs Include:

Local Prevention Councils (LPCs)

NECASA also funds 12 Local Prevention Councils (LPCs) in the region. The funding is used for programs to educate youth or to provide alternative activities (instead of using substances) for youth in those towns. NECASA funds, provides technical assistance to, and collects data from these LPCs.

The Local Prevention Councils in NECASA’s region include:

  • Putnam Pride (Putnam)
  • Coventry Youth Services
  • Mansfield Youth Services
  • Ashford Youth Services
  • District 11 Substance Abuse Program (Hampton, Chaplin, Scotland)
  • Windham Regional Community Council (Windham Youth Services)
  • Eastford Schools
  • Willington Youth Services
  • Lebanon Schools
  • Town of Columbia
  • United Services, Inc. (Brooklyn, Killingly, Plainfield, Sterling, Thompson, Woodstock, Pomfret, Canterbury)
  • Union Schools (inactive)

NECASA’s funding comes from the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), from municipal contributions, through contracts, private grants and public donations.

NECASA Northeast Communities
Against Substance Abuse
559 Hartford Pike
Suite 203, Dayville, CT 06241

TEL 860.779.9253
FAX 860.774.0827