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The NECASA School-Based Prevention Video Project

Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse announces the beginning of a new program to highlight the innovative talents of our 7th to 12th Grade school student groups.

Each six month period, NECASA will accept video applications from youth school-based organizations to compete for a $500 prize. The student groups must be from schools in NECASA’s twenty-one town region. This program is designed to:

  1. Prevent youth substance abuse
  2. Encourage students to research and educate their peers and parents regarding substance abuse/misuse.
  3. Recognize areas of need in their school community
  4. Empower students to address the needs of their school community.
  5. Bring students together to collaborate in a healthy and supportive peer environment which encourages teamwork, education, creativity and the accomplishment of long term goals and health lifestyles.
Other criteria:
  • The video should be no more than 10 minutes in length
  • Applications will be accepted from youth school-based organizations including: National Honor Society, Student Council, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, 4-H lift, T.O.P.S., Diversity Club, Gay/Straight Alliance, etc.
  • The student group is instructed to create an educational video which addresses substance abuse prevention in one the following areas: Tobacco, Prescription Drugs, Alcohol or Marijuana.
  • The video must reach as many people as possible within the student organization’s school and parent community.
  • The student organization must explain in detail how they would use the $500 prize to benefit their school.
  • Prize money cannot be used for food, parties, project graduation, cash rewards or gift cards.  The money MUST be used in a way that will benefit the school as a whole.
  • There will be two contests per year; one every six months.  Those who do not win during the first round may re-submit their project for future consideration.
  • Applications are due by December 15, 2011 for the first contest.


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