Bullying Is Wrong
Nobody has the right to hurt other people by hitting the, kicking them, calling them names, spreading rumors about them or doing anything else that is intended to be upsetting.
Bullies try to justify their actions by saying that it is their victim's fault for being different. They may pick on someone who is tall or small, or fat or thin, or wears glasses, or has a different accent, or another religion, or is shy or clever, or good looking, or disabled, etc. Any excuse will do, and if there is no real reason then the bullies will invent one.
If this is happening to you, tell yourself that it is not your fault, and that it is the bullies who need to change, not you.
What to Do
Talk to someone you can trust, a teacher, parent, older friend or relative. Be persistent. If the first person you talk to ignores you - don't give up - speak to someone else.
If you can, write down everything the bullies did or said to you, and try to write down how you feel. When you find someone you can trust and who is helpful, discuss what you wrote with that person. Be very careful to only write down things that really happened.
If you find it difficult to talk to an adult, ask one of your friends to come with you, or ask someone to talk to an adult on your behalf.
Most importantly - do something!
Sometimes bullying stops quickly but doing nothing means it may continue until someone is seriously upset or hurt. That could be you, or the bullies may find new victims. If their behavior is not challenged they are unlikely to stop.
What Not to Do
- Don't try to deal with the problem on your own - there is nothing wrong in asking for help.
- Don't hit the bullies - you might end up being accused of bullying yourself.
- Always tell the truth about what happened. Don't exaggerate. If a small part of what you say is shown to be untrue then it throws everything else into doubt.
- Don't believe the lies that the bullies tell about you.
- Don't hide what happened from the adults you trust. Keeping things secret is a bully's biggest weapon against you. That is why a bully will go to so much trouble to keep you from telling.
Adult Bullying
Bullying is wrong whatever the age of the person who is doing the bullying. Adults can bully children in many different ways. If an adult is doing something to you, or trying to make you do something you do not like, it may be bullying. Talk to someone about what is going on.
If this is happening at school you can talk to your parents. If this is happening at home you can talk to a trusted teacher. Do not keep it a secret. The only way to stop bullying is to talk openly about it.
Working Together
You do not have to be a victim to act. Bullies may think that you approve of what they are doing when you see someone being harassed. Part of the fun that bullies get comes from the reaction of bystanders.
You Can Help By:
- challenging all bullying behavior
- befriending younger children
- talking about bullying
or, by taking part in your school's anti-bullying activities such as:
- acting in plays
- designing posters
- taking surveys
The single most important thing a school can do to prevent bullying is to have a clear policy to which staff, pupils and parents are committed.